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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moving stinks

TP 37 & 49 5-13-09 026
One of the worst parts of being a military family are all of the moves we encounter. As soon as we get close to friends it feels like one of us is about to leave. I tend to put up walls in order to avoid the whole getting too close just to have my heart broken scenario.
We have lived in North Carolina for 3 years now. I cant believe. Prior to this we have been in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and we began in Pennsylvania. I feel like we are basically pros at the emotional side of moving.
However, where we always need help is buying a house, refinancing, should we rent, should we sell, etc.???  Some of our best friends just moved and they had to deal with this exact thing. Watching them going through this makes me dread the day our orders come in (probably within like a year) and we have to start making these decisions for ourselves.
Something that has made our decision to purchase the two homes we have in the past (one in Oklahoma and now one here in North Carolina) is using the VA Home Loan Process. I encourage you if you are in the market for a new home or are looking to refinance,  to check out this site : I have personally found it helpful when it comes to buying a house, refinancing, etc.
Disclosure- compensated post . However all opinions are 100% mine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I Hired Movers in Bethlehem They really helped me out and didnt at all make me feel as though this is a hard doing... know what I mean?