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Friday, October 21, 2011

2011 Goals- Part II

continued from the last post!

6. To be better about emails and clear out my inbox at least every 2 days. I LOVE having a clean outlook inbox, but it rarely happens. I get so behind sometimes. Also my important emails are often lost amongst the tons of junk I receive. I also need to unsubscribe from this junk each time i get one. Hopefully soon I will not get as much email which will in turn help me keep my inbox cleared out!

7. To post on this blog at least 3 times a week. I absolutely love blogging and I have really fallen off the post bandwagon. I have tons and tons of pictures I want to post and I have not gotten around to it. I love using this blog as a way to keep memories about our life. I love going back and remembering Owens stats, how we handled moves, things that were important to me at a certain time.

8. To post on my new design/craft/cooking blog at least 3 times a week. I opened up a new blog to chronicle my interest in crafty things. I really want to get serious about posting on that blog- which can be found at is just starting up and it will take me a bit to get it looking just how I want it, but I am super excited.

9. To be a better friend. This is such a broad statement, but so important to me. I am surrounded by the most amazing friends that a girl could ever ask for. I need to put more time into my friendships, plan more events with friends, and to try and bless my friends just as much as they bless me!

10. To continue to get more organized. I have been really good lately at making lists and sticking to it. I also have been great at keeping a calendar. For christmas I have asked for a new franklin planner- the best of all the planners! I am in love! I feel so much better about myself and my days when I accomplish the lists that I make.

Wow, and I have more still! Goals are addicting!

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