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Saturday, April 2, 2011

12 Days

It has been 12 days since I saw my baby boy and he will be home now in about an hour!!! AHH! I am so excited. I am so lucky to have family that is willing to step in when needed! Owen has been in Pennsylvania since Monday the 21st since I have had gallbladder issues out. In the last 12 days I have met with my surgeon, scheduled surgery for Monday the 28th, went in for pre-op on Thursday the 24th and was sent in for emergency surgery a couple of hours later. I spent 2 nights in the hospital with a pain pump and an obnoxious roommate, came home, I have lost 10lbs (just in time for a trip to Orlando!), gone to the ER to have my belly button drained, and now I am finally ready to be with my boy again!

I can not lift him for another 3 or so weeks so we converted his bed into a toddler bed. Tonight will be his first night not in a crib or pack n’play! I am praying the transition goes well. I got him some new pajamas today to get him excited for bed!

I am also going to attempt to sew an oven mitt i have had my eyes on the last month or so! HAPPY SATURDAY!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm relieved the surgery went smoothly and you get to see Owen again tonight! Update us on the transition to the big boy bed - we still haven't made it yet.