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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sick Boys!

The boys have not been feeling so well so they have been doing a lot of laying around lately!!!! I keep finding Grey with his sippy cup and blankets and a pillow. That is my sign he is not feeling great!

greysickphoto 5
They have even been snuggling together which just melts my heart!
sick boyssnuggletime
Since they have been BLAH we had to cancel watching the Grinch with some friends and eating yummy cookies that were made. So a couple of days later they GREATLY enjoyed the cookies!!!
Being sick is just no fun! Lucky for us though they remain in good spirits despite having up to a 103.2 temp!!!
We took them to the doc and Greyson has pneumonia, which the doctor said means Owen probably has pneumonia as well!
 photo 222
SO lots of love, lots of snuggles, lots of movies have happened around here!!!!

1 comment:

Monica B said...

Hope you all feel better soon! Poor boys!