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Friday, March 23, 2012

An interview- Owen at 3 years

What is your name?: Owen Hunter
How old are you?: 3 (Pronounced “Free”)
What is your favorite color?:Green
Who is your best friend?: Josiah
What is your favorite animal?: Pig and a Cow and then another Cow
What do you want to be when you grow-up?: A man. A train driver and I want Mommy and Daddy to be conductors. 
What is your favorite movie?:I don't like a movie
What makes you happy?: Trains. Thomas the Train Engine
What makes you sad?: Well thunder make scared. I am sad when you turn my lights off.
What is your favorite food to eat?: French fries and chicken, and dip. 
What is your favorite song to sing?: The Dinosaur Train song
What games do you like to play?:Soccer Ball games.

1 comment:

Kaitlyn B said...

I stumbled upon your blog... it's so cute! And this idea to do an interview with your children - definitely want to do this for the future kids :)