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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Crazy Hair and a New Ride!


Owen got a new cool car which he LOVES!


I am having glimpses of him being 17, driving in his car with the windows down and the music up.

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Owen’s hair is quite interesting these days! It is growing in with the cutest curls! It is quite out of control most of the time. It is just now starting to grow on the top as well. IMG_4309 copy

Mom, please do not take my picture, I JUST woke up!

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Owen’s hair after he put ketchup all in it. Oh boy.

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We hope everyone is having a great spring! Happy Easter to all!

1 comment:

Becca said...

We have that same car onesie and Cozy Coupe! :) I love Owen's curls!! SO cute!