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Friday, June 5, 2009

3 months old~!

I am happy to announce that we have arrived in North Carolina and are beginning to get settled. John is back in Arkansas for a bit so the dogs, Owen, and I are holding down out new fort.

Here are some recent photos we wanted to share with you. Owen is getting SO BIG!!

Playing in his play gym

IMG_3046  IMG_3048  

Piper really loves her baby!

IMG_3051     IMG_3056  IMG_3058 IMG_3059   IMG_3062  IMG_3065     

Our future scholar!


Three month photos (a few days late) in my crib!!! IMG_3017 IMG_3018 IMG_3019  IMG_3021 IMG_3022 IMG_3023 IMG_3024  

Mom, seriously, enough with the pictures! IMG_3027   


all better now! :)

1 comment:

Kathy and Ryan said...

Oh my goodness...I just love all of these pictures!! He's getting so big! Hope the move went well.